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Dads play a special role in our lives, don’t they? They can be the head BBQ chef at a family outdoor dinner party and the next day be our personal mechanic, helping us when something goes wrong with the car. They can offer their invaluable pearls of wisdom and then in the next breath be dishing out corny puns.

Therefore, it’s only natural to want to gift them something special on Father’s Day to show you how much you appreciate them. But that’s easier said than done as our dear dads can be notoriously hard to buy for.

If you are still scratching your head when it comes to the perfect Father’s Day gift, we’ve got you covered with a fantastic selection of Father’s Day whisky gift ideas. Just what he needs to enjoy a classic cocktail before falling asleep in his favourite chair.

Whether he loves to cook up a storm in the kitchen, is obsessed with his step count, or loves spending a Sunday reading a good book and sipping on an Old Fashioned, skip the bad tie and boring socks combo this year and treat the father figure in your life to something he actually wants.


The Glenlivet 12 Year Old, tickets to The Glenlivet Distillery and a customised hip flask.

If your dad’s the kind of dad who spends almost all his spare time globe-trotting, look no further than tickets to The Glenlivet Distillery in Scotland. Not only can he get involved with a guided tasting and tour of the distillery, he can also tick his choice of things to do in Speyside off his bucket list. Surprise him with the tickets, a bottle of The Glenlivet 12 year single malt and a customised flask (so he can always travel with his favourite whisky by his side).

The Glenlivet 12 Year Old - The Glenlivet


The Glenlivet 15 Year Old, a whisky decanter and a vintage Polaroid camera

Take your dad’s love for all things retro to a whole new level with a vintage Polaroid camera and a whisky decanter. Gifted alongside a bottle of The Glenlivet 15 Year Old Scotch, he’ll be able to snap away, capturing fond memories of family get-togethers and create classic drinks like The Godfather cocktail or a Whisky Sour.  He’ll be living his best old school life and you’ll be awarded favourite child status almost immediately.


The Glenlivet Captain’s Reserve, tickets to a cooking class and whisky infused chocolate

Every dad deserves a bottle of The Glenlivet Captain’s Reserve but if your dad spends half his time in the kitchen, there’s a good chance he’ll appreciate a bottle of the good stuff even more with its succulent flavours of mandarins in syrup, ripe poached pears and chocolate-dipped raisins. For a Father’s Day whisky gift that truly appeals to his love of things gastronomy, pair the bottle of The Glenlivet with tickets to a local cooking class and some whisky infused chocolate. You’re guaranteed to score some serious brownie points! Don’t forget to show him our guide to cooking with whisky too.


The Glenlivet Founder’s Reserve, a set of whisky glasses and personalised garden tools.

This one’s for the gardeners and outdoor lovers. Whether your Dad’s into landscaping, growing veg or maintaining his perfectly trimmed lawn, a bottle of The Glenlivet Founder’s Reserve is the perfect treat after all that hard work. Serve in a new set of whisky glasses, paired with a duo of garden tools personalised with his initials. He’ll be even more proud to get digging and potting. If whisky cocktails are his bag, why not include a few packets of seeds so he can grow his own cocktail garnish garden with herbs like basil, rosemary and mint.

The Glenlivet 18 Year Old Single Malt Whisky - The Glenlivet


The Glenlivet 18 Year Old, tickets to a whisky & yoga class, and a fitness tracker

All the dads who can’t seem to get enough of working out tend to save the good stuff for special occasions. So there’s no better excuse than Father’s Day to treat him to a bottle of The Glenlivet 18 Year Old Scotch. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t surprise him with something fitness-related too — spoil him with a fitness tracker and tickets to a whisky & yoga class to really get his heart racing.

Get ready to celebrate other special occasions this year with our whisky cocktail recipes, including our pick of the best New Year’s cocktails and whisky Christmas drinks.

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