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Whisky Dram Diaries with Keith Trusler

Sit back, pour yourself a dram and join us on a phenomenal flavour journey as Keith Trusler, Canadian Brand Ambassador, relives an exceptional whisky weekend in Whistler.

Epiphanies sometimes come in unexpected guises. Mine came in the form of a bread pudding.

It wasn’t any old bread pudding. It was a Pemberton cauliflower and rye bread pudding with Alpindon cheese, black truffle jam and thyme. Paired with The Glenlivet 18 Year Old.

The epiphany occurred during a sumptuous six-course whisky pairing dinner in Whistler. Once a year we take a small group of single malt lovers up to this beautiful resort town. Whistler is in the mountains about two hours away from us here in Vancouver. We spend a couple of days there fly fishing for pink salmon from the crystal-clear waters of British Columbia and indulging in fine food and even finer drink.

The feedback we got was that it was the best whisky dinner the guests had ever had and one of their best dinners ever. Period.

I think that chefs sometimes surprise even themselves when they take chances and it works. Instead of the food taking a backseat to the whisky – as can happen in whisky pairing dinners – this meal showcased both Nick’s and Master Distiller Alan Winchester‘s talents brilliantly.

The weekend was a great success. We all learned a lot, which is one of the most exciting things about whisky – there’s always something new to learn. I can’t wait to see what new epiphanies this year’s trip to Whistler will bring.

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