Valley of the Bees

In September, the rolling moorland turns purple with heather flowers. This is one of the Scottish Highlands most beautiful sights, with bees buzzing as they meander from flower to flower, building up their stores of honey. The same bees have been flying through the fields of barley, with their quest for nectar pollinating the plants that contribute to our whisky.

This connection between different parts of the same ecosystem is represented in this scotch honey cocktail recipe, where heather, honey and The Glenlivet 15 year old whisky are gently stirred together to honour the bees and their vital work.

This honey whisky mixer is utterly refreshing on a summer afternoon.



ml oz
Ingredients Unit
The Glenlivet 15 Year Old
50 ml
Heather Honey Syrup
7.5 ml
Aromatic Bitters
1 dash(es)
Heather Flowers (for the Syrup)
20 g
Heather Honey (for the Syrup)
300 ml


  1. Add all the ingredients to a mixing glass with ice and stir until chilled.
  2. Strain over a large ice ball into a glass.
  3. Twist the oils of lemon and orange peel to finish.

Heather Honey Syrup

Heather honey, taken from hives where the bees feed on heather flowers has a unique floral flavour.

  1. Soak the heather flowers in 100ml of boiling water for five minutes.
  2. Add the liquid and the flowers the heather honey and stir until mixed.
  3. Leave the mixture to infuse further for 24 hours, strain through a sieve to remove the heather.

The water means the honey will mix into cocktails more easily and will also be easier to measure.

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